Threat Intelligence Platform
Optimize Threat Intelligence and Attribution at Scale
What is Cyber Threat Intelligence?
Cyber Threat Intelligence is a real game-changer for SecOps operations and drives activities within organizations' cyber defense processes.
Most security teams get threat feeds, but they can't contextualize operational intelligence and use it to secure the business. They focus on noisy IOCs and CVEs provided from multiple sources. Also, teams fail to create strategies and action plans by utilizing intelligence and often tackle directly into non-actionable sources, which can lead to wasted time going after getting non-actionable results with wrong sources.
Real CTI is the synopsis of multiple level observations from data sources, augmented by context to support strategic, operational, and tactical decisions. It constructs a near-realtime panorama of an organization's threat profiles based on adversary groups leveraging exploitable IOCs and CVEs targeting the organization or industry equivalents. It also helps threat-hunting efforts with context. Threat intelligence data comprises the main security baselining of organizational cyber threat profile.
The intelligence-led threat profiles must be part of the continuous context at security monitoring, threat visibility, and prioritized detection. It enriches knowledge: to enable fast, informed decision-making and effective action. CTI gives you an insight into the adversaries' thinking.
Not all threats are created equal, don't waste your time simulating every possible threat. As your attack surface expands, so does the need to focus on prioritizing your security response before being attacked.
Intelligence-Led Defense and Attribution
As your attack surface grows, there will be more gaps for threat actors to breach your organization. Threat Intelligence solutions enable organizations to gain unparalleled insight, so organizations can make faster, more informed decisions about security baselining, threat visibility, and transform it into resilient defenses by analyzing and attributing cyberattacks.
Threat Intelligence Platforms deliver authentic and actionable intelligence that disrupts adversaries at scale. It incorporates threat analytics with human expertise to merge open-source, deep/dark-net, and research.
Cyber threats can come from any direction, resulting in your business being vulnerable to attack. Threat Intelligence Platforms (TIP) watch and observe the Internet, deep, and dark webs for potential threats before they impact your organization. Get contextualized alerts on threats affecting your business, and proactively research malicious activities, tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP), phishing scams, and other adversarial insights.
Stop breaches, Stop attackers
At Arcane we believe that the first line of defense doesn't have to be your legacy tools. Threat Intelligence solutions help organizations to gain unprecedented insight into adversaries' capabilities, techniques, and objectives with high-fidelity intelligence.
ML Driven intelligence correlates with your security telemetry increasing your threat detection capabilities and enabling an optimized attack response across your security stack with delivering efficient cyber resilience in less time.
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